Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Journal Entry

So, our final is tomorrow... my last final for this semester. It is hard to believe that this was my last semester of ultrasound classes. Next semester will be my last semester at Lincoln! WOW... time really goes fly by. I remember my first semester at Lincoln. I was so anxious and nervous because I had not been to school in so many years. I was also dreading thinking about how long it would take until I was finished. Now looking back, it seems like it just flew by. Now I can start looking towards a brighter future. I pray everyday that when I graduate I will find a job right away. I need a job right away, both for myself and for my husband. I need it cause I am so ready to start my career and to be earning a living again. I want it for my husband so he can stop working so hard. For the past almost two and half years, my husband has worked so hard to support us while I am in school. I could have not done it without him.

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