Friday, August 27, 2010

Chapter 8: One Writer's Process Summary

“The College Writer” : Chapter 8 – One Writer’s Process – Summary

This chapter is a kind of overview of the past seven chapters. You see the process of writing an essay in motion. The example given in this chapter is an essay written by a student named Angela Franco. Angela receives her assignment, examines it, makes a cluster of ideas, as well as does some freewriting. This is to narrow her assignment to a more specific focus. She goes through the process of planning for her essay. This entails answering some questions like who, what, when, why, where and how. She also does research on her topic making sure to record all sources. Angela picks a way to organize her essay and writes her first draft. She then makes some revisions based on ideas, organization and voice. After reviewing her corrections, she gives her paper to a peer for review. These two revisions lead her write an edited draft. At this point, the chapter point out that Angela has now done her first draft, two revisions, an edited draft and a proofread draft. She is now ready to complete her finished essay, which she does. So this chapter gives an example of how to write an essay.

Chapter 8: One Writer's Process Mindmap

Chapter 7: Submitting Writing and Creating Portfolios Summary

“The College Writer” : Chapter 7: Submitting Writing and Creating Portfolios – Summary

This is a very short and to the point chapter about the ways to submit your essays. It goes over the proper formatting, typography, spacing and graphical devices for your essays. You need to make sure that all your papers are easy to read, uncluttered, have proper spacing and margins as well as proper use of lists and charts. You can choose a number of different audiences to submit your paper to. You can submit it to peers, your instructor, family and friends or even on a blog. You can submit your papers either on a physical medium, such as paper or by electronic submission. In this class, we submit all of our written assignments via email and a blogging website. I think that is a great idea for many reasons, but the most important being that we are not wasting paper.

Chapter 7: Submitting Writing and Creating Portfolios Mindmap

Chapter 6: Editing and Proofreading Summary

“The College Writer” : Chapter 6 Editing and Proofreading – Summary

In chapter 6, titled, “Editing and proofreading,” you learn that once you have a revised copy of your essay, the next step it to look it over again. This time you are editing for words, phrases, and sentences that are unclear or that do not look right. You are also looking for any spelling errors, mechanics, usage, and grammar errors. You want to make sure that your reader can completely understand what you are writing about. You do not want to include any jargon or redundancy. You want to write in a way in which you are using fair language with no biased words. You want to make sure to choose nouns and verbs with energy and vividness. When you have someone reading your paper, you want to be sure you have their full attend. This chapter teaches you how to achieve that goal through editing your sentence structure, word choice and punctuation. When you are writing essays, I think this will be a great chapter to refer back to in order to improve your paper.

Chapter 6: Editing and Proofreading Mindmap

Chapter 5: Revising Summary

“The College Writer” : Chapter 5 – Revising Summary

This chapter on revising I would say is about just that. This chapter shows you how to take your written first draft and revise it into possibly your final draft. It will differ person to person or paper to paper. You may need to write more than just one rough draft. You may need a couple before you finally have your final paper completed. You need to know how to look at your first draft and address all the issues it may contain. This requires you to ask yourself a lot of questions. Maybe you can make the title more appealing. Maybe your “voice” is not very honest in your writing. Maybe you are not staying organized within the essay. Basically you need to look at the draft as a whole and then paragraph by paragraph to determine what can be changed, what details need to be added, what parts don’t really relate to the topic after all. I think one of the most important teachings of this chapter is to remember the basics! Remember to be organized, support and explore your topic, have lots of detail, ask and answer questions, summarize the main point and make the essay as a whole functional.

Chapter 5: Revising Mindmap

Chapter 4: Drafting Summary

“The College Writer” : Chapter 4 – Drafting – Summary

The chapter outlines how to write a rough draft of your essay. Like the previous chapter, you again learn how to re-look at your topic, think about your audience, purpose and your subject. In every essay you need to have a beginning, middle and end. You need to grab your reader’s attentions, tell them your thesis, ask enticing questions, and show your organization or what direction you are taking the reader. You also need to deepen your issue by providing supporting information for your thesis, test your ideas, have structure and have lots of detail. I think you should share some personal interest in your topic, again, ask and answer questions, and really just get to the point. This chapter goes over many different ways you can structure your details in your essay, such as, analogical, cause and effect, chronological order, classification, compare and contrast, and so on. In ending your essay, you should always reassert the main point and try to urge your reader to look ahead at the possibilities and also accept what you have said.

Chapter 4: Drafting Mindmap

Chapter 3: Planning Summary

“The College Writer” : Chapter 3 – Planning – Summary

In this chapter it describes the steps in which you plan out the essay you are going to write. You must be able to state your thesis as well as develop an organizational pattern that you are going to follow throughout your essay. In this chapter you learn that you have to take a second look at your topic and do further research on it. You also need to take your general subject or topic and make it into a more specific focus. Throughout the planning process you need to ask yourself questions to make sure your thesis reflects the topic, the details/ research support your thesis, and if there will be a pattern of organization to your essay. In reading this chapter, I have learned there are different ways you can plan your essay. You can use, basic lists, topic outlines, sentence outlines, or graphical organizers. I think this chapter can be a good reference tool in how to prepare for your essay.

Chapter 3: Planning Mindmap

Chapter 2: Beginning The Writing Process Summary

“The College Writer”: Chapter 2 – Beginning the Writing Process - Summary

In this chapter, “Beginning the Writing Process,” gives a full explanation of the steps you must take before and during you begin writing a paper. You first must have an understanding of your subject/ assignment and the options and restrictions of the assignment. You also need to know your audience and the purpose or benefit of writing the assignment. In this chapter you get many tips for helping you select a subject to write about. You need to meet all requirements laid out for the assignment and then you can begin your search for the perfect idea. There are many different places you can look for an idea, such as the library, class notes, websites, etc. Just make sure you pick a topic that genuinely interests you. Once you have selected a topic to write about, you can begin collecting information. It’s best to start with what you know and then move on to other sources. Great sources for your research are the Internet, libraries, interviews, surveys and many more sources. Writing can be a messy task while you are thinking, evaluating, collaborating all the information for your topic. Just keep in mind that all writing assignments come with some challenges. Work through them, and you’ll end up with a great final draft.

Chapter 2: The Writing Process Mindmap

Chapter 1: Critical Thinking Through Reading, Viewing, and Writing Summary

“The College Writer”: Chapter 1 Summary

This chapter on “Critical Thinking through Reading, Viewing and Writing” has basically given an outline for how to read, view and write better. The chapter covers SQ3R, which stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review. This technique enables you to focus more, go deeper into your work, and absorb the information you are given more easily. When you are reading, you need to be active in that process. You need to be sure and pace yourself, take notes or map your reading material, evaluate the information, have a response to the text as well as summarize it. You also need to learn how to use critical thinking for viewing and analyzing images and how to apply critical thinking into your writing. Basically when you are reading, viewing and writing you need to open your mind, ask questions, and be an active participant in the task you are completing. You need to be able to pull apart the text or image and put it back together again in your own words.

Chapter 1: Critical Thinking Through Reading, Viewing, and Writing MindMap

Self Introduction Essay

Self Introduction Essay

My name is Carrie Casey and I am twenty-eight years old. I was born in Burlingame, California. Although I moved around quite a bit throughout my life, I have always lived in the Bay Area. I spent about the first decade of my life living on the Peninsula. Since then I have lived in the East Bay. I am an only child, although I do have step-siblings whom I consider to be family. My parents got divorced when I was very young and my step father and his children have been in my life since I was about two years old.

I come from a mixed background. My mom’s mother, Nani as we call her, is part Scottish, French, and English. She would be considered a fifth generation San Franciscan. My mom’s father, my Grandpa Al, was Croatian. Both of his parents came over to San Francisco from Yugoslavia. My Grandpa Al would be considered a first generation San Franciscan. My mom’s parents had eight kids total. I have a very large family that just keeps growing! My dad’s father, my Grandpa Lenny, is German. I am not sure as to when his family came to the United States. His mother, my Grandma June, is Italian. She came to the United States from Italy. She is from Genova, which is in northern Italy. My father’s parents had only two children. His side of my family is not so big. So to sum it up, I would say that I am a mix of Italian, Croatian, German, Scottish, French and English.

Currently I am living in Livermore with my husband and our two dogs, Cody and Bella. Cody and Bella are Labrador Retrievers. I am a HUGE animal lover! I wish I could have many more animals, but they are such a huge responsibility, I think I have all that I can handle at this time. I also love spending time with family and friends, although as a full time student I do not get to do it as much as I’d like. As I grow and mature, I realize that family and friends (and pets too) is what makes your life rich and full of happiness and love. Some of my hobbies or “loves of life” are traveling, although I have not done much of it yet, eating good food and watching good movies every now and again. I also love to do arts and crafts; I love to cook and bake, to visit museums, and to go shopping.

My husband and I got married about a year ago now. I could not be happier! I really got lucky when I found and married a man like Eric. He is absolutely amazing! In marrying Eric, I also gained a lot more family. My mother and father in law are such good people and I love my two brothers in law and my sister in law too. Eric’s extended family is remarkable as well. I was able to meet a lot of his family when we traveled to Guam a couple years ago, but I met many more of them at our wedding. As for the near future, I am just focused on graduating in May of 2011 with my Associates of Science degree in Diagnostic Imaging with dual concentrations in General Sonography and Echocardiography. I never thought I would go to college after high school, but as some years past, I realize the importance of an education. I believe that being educated means having confidence and opens doors for you in life. So I am extremely excited about what my future holds.

My goals for the present and the future are to concentrate on school, to do my best to continue achieving good grades while absorbing all information taught to me and ultimately to find a job as an Ultrasound Tech. I want the kind of job that I will be happy to go to everyday. I also want job security and good pay. I believe all of this will come with working as an Ultrasound Tech. I also cannot wait until Eric is able to leave his current job and focus on what he wants to do with his life. I am excited to buy a house and have kids in the near future. Hopefully I can find a job soon after graduation so these dreams of mine will come true sooner rather than later. I cannot wait to experience the joys of being a parent. I have no doubts that there will be hard times, but I will embrace them and look forward to all the good to come as well. I am looking forward to the years to come and all the happiness and blessing that are in store for Eric and I.

Self Introduction Mind Map

What Do You Stand?

Where Do I Stand?

FEET: What do I stand for as a foundation of writing?

My foundation of writing is basic. I think I can write freely really well, but when it comes to writing more formally, I need some more practice and help with.

STOMACH: What upsets me about writing?

What upsets me about writing is that I a lot of times cannot find the write words and sometimes it is hard for me to express myself the exact way I want to.

HEART: What do I love about writing?

I love that with writing you can say what you want to say; you can express yourself in anyway you want to; you can get things off your chest by writing.

HANDS: What do I feel about writing?

I feel the pen or pencil in my hand when writing or the computer keyboard beneath my fingers. I feel many emotions when writing. The emotion I feel depends on what I am writing.

EARS: What do I hear about writing?

I hear thoughts when writing. I hear people’s opinions when reading what has been written. I hear expression.

EYES: What do I see about writing?

I see joy and happiness, I see frustration and anger.

BRAIN: What do I think about writing?

I think writing is a great way to express yourself; writing is a great form of communication. I think everyone has the capability to write, but they also have the capability to be better. You can always better your writing skills and learn new things. I know I can.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Journal Entry

The first day of class - Written Communication 82B! We had an introduction of what 82B will be all about today. My mind is already starting to think about all the papers I will be writing, but first things first... I have to take another look at the first chapters in our book The College Writer for our first assignments. These shouldn't be too hard as I did the same thing in Written Communication 82A. I just need to review and summarize again.

That's all for now!