Friday, August 27, 2010

What Do You Stand?

Where Do I Stand?

FEET: What do I stand for as a foundation of writing?

My foundation of writing is basic. I think I can write freely really well, but when it comes to writing more formally, I need some more practice and help with.

STOMACH: What upsets me about writing?

What upsets me about writing is that I a lot of times cannot find the write words and sometimes it is hard for me to express myself the exact way I want to.

HEART: What do I love about writing?

I love that with writing you can say what you want to say; you can express yourself in anyway you want to; you can get things off your chest by writing.

HANDS: What do I feel about writing?

I feel the pen or pencil in my hand when writing or the computer keyboard beneath my fingers. I feel many emotions when writing. The emotion I feel depends on what I am writing.

EARS: What do I hear about writing?

I hear thoughts when writing. I hear people’s opinions when reading what has been written. I hear expression.

EYES: What do I see about writing?

I see joy and happiness, I see frustration and anger.

BRAIN: What do I think about writing?

I think writing is a great way to express yourself; writing is a great form of communication. I think everyone has the capability to write, but they also have the capability to be better. You can always better your writing skills and learn new things. I know I can.

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