Friday, August 27, 2010

Chapter 3: Planning Summary

“The College Writer” : Chapter 3 – Planning – Summary

In this chapter it describes the steps in which you plan out the essay you are going to write. You must be able to state your thesis as well as develop an organizational pattern that you are going to follow throughout your essay. In this chapter you learn that you have to take a second look at your topic and do further research on it. You also need to take your general subject or topic and make it into a more specific focus. Throughout the planning process you need to ask yourself questions to make sure your thesis reflects the topic, the details/ research support your thesis, and if there will be a pattern of organization to your essay. In reading this chapter, I have learned there are different ways you can plan your essay. You can use, basic lists, topic outlines, sentence outlines, or graphical organizers. I think this chapter can be a good reference tool in how to prepare for your essay.

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