Friday, August 27, 2010

Chapter 6: Editing and Proofreading Summary

“The College Writer” : Chapter 6 Editing and Proofreading – Summary

In chapter 6, titled, “Editing and proofreading,” you learn that once you have a revised copy of your essay, the next step it to look it over again. This time you are editing for words, phrases, and sentences that are unclear or that do not look right. You are also looking for any spelling errors, mechanics, usage, and grammar errors. You want to make sure that your reader can completely understand what you are writing about. You do not want to include any jargon or redundancy. You want to write in a way in which you are using fair language with no biased words. You want to make sure to choose nouns and verbs with energy and vividness. When you have someone reading your paper, you want to be sure you have their full attend. This chapter teaches you how to achieve that goal through editing your sentence structure, word choice and punctuation. When you are writing essays, I think this will be a great chapter to refer back to in order to improve your paper.

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