Friday, August 27, 2010

Self Introduction Essay

Self Introduction Essay

My name is Carrie Casey and I am twenty-eight years old. I was born in Burlingame, California. Although I moved around quite a bit throughout my life, I have always lived in the Bay Area. I spent about the first decade of my life living on the Peninsula. Since then I have lived in the East Bay. I am an only child, although I do have step-siblings whom I consider to be family. My parents got divorced when I was very young and my step father and his children have been in my life since I was about two years old.

I come from a mixed background. My mom’s mother, Nani as we call her, is part Scottish, French, and English. She would be considered a fifth generation San Franciscan. My mom’s father, my Grandpa Al, was Croatian. Both of his parents came over to San Francisco from Yugoslavia. My Grandpa Al would be considered a first generation San Franciscan. My mom’s parents had eight kids total. I have a very large family that just keeps growing! My dad’s father, my Grandpa Lenny, is German. I am not sure as to when his family came to the United States. His mother, my Grandma June, is Italian. She came to the United States from Italy. She is from Genova, which is in northern Italy. My father’s parents had only two children. His side of my family is not so big. So to sum it up, I would say that I am a mix of Italian, Croatian, German, Scottish, French and English.

Currently I am living in Livermore with my husband and our two dogs, Cody and Bella. Cody and Bella are Labrador Retrievers. I am a HUGE animal lover! I wish I could have many more animals, but they are such a huge responsibility, I think I have all that I can handle at this time. I also love spending time with family and friends, although as a full time student I do not get to do it as much as I’d like. As I grow and mature, I realize that family and friends (and pets too) is what makes your life rich and full of happiness and love. Some of my hobbies or “loves of life” are traveling, although I have not done much of it yet, eating good food and watching good movies every now and again. I also love to do arts and crafts; I love to cook and bake, to visit museums, and to go shopping.

My husband and I got married about a year ago now. I could not be happier! I really got lucky when I found and married a man like Eric. He is absolutely amazing! In marrying Eric, I also gained a lot more family. My mother and father in law are such good people and I love my two brothers in law and my sister in law too. Eric’s extended family is remarkable as well. I was able to meet a lot of his family when we traveled to Guam a couple years ago, but I met many more of them at our wedding. As for the near future, I am just focused on graduating in May of 2011 with my Associates of Science degree in Diagnostic Imaging with dual concentrations in General Sonography and Echocardiography. I never thought I would go to college after high school, but as some years past, I realize the importance of an education. I believe that being educated means having confidence and opens doors for you in life. So I am extremely excited about what my future holds.

My goals for the present and the future are to concentrate on school, to do my best to continue achieving good grades while absorbing all information taught to me and ultimately to find a job as an Ultrasound Tech. I want the kind of job that I will be happy to go to everyday. I also want job security and good pay. I believe all of this will come with working as an Ultrasound Tech. I also cannot wait until Eric is able to leave his current job and focus on what he wants to do with his life. I am excited to buy a house and have kids in the near future. Hopefully I can find a job soon after graduation so these dreams of mine will come true sooner rather than later. I cannot wait to experience the joys of being a parent. I have no doubts that there will be hard times, but I will embrace them and look forward to all the good to come as well. I am looking forward to the years to come and all the happiness and blessing that are in store for Eric and I.

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