Friday, August 27, 2010

Chapter 5: Revising Summary

“The College Writer” : Chapter 5 – Revising Summary

This chapter on revising I would say is about just that. This chapter shows you how to take your written first draft and revise it into possibly your final draft. It will differ person to person or paper to paper. You may need to write more than just one rough draft. You may need a couple before you finally have your final paper completed. You need to know how to look at your first draft and address all the issues it may contain. This requires you to ask yourself a lot of questions. Maybe you can make the title more appealing. Maybe your “voice” is not very honest in your writing. Maybe you are not staying organized within the essay. Basically you need to look at the draft as a whole and then paragraph by paragraph to determine what can be changed, what details need to be added, what parts don’t really relate to the topic after all. I think one of the most important teachings of this chapter is to remember the basics! Remember to be organized, support and explore your topic, have lots of detail, ask and answer questions, summarize the main point and make the essay as a whole functional.

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