Friday, September 3, 2010

BioPoem about Me


Loving, mature, trustworthy, sensitive, modest

Wife of Eric Casey, God-Mother of Carlo Lopiccolo

Who loves the idea of people accepting each other and not passing judgment, loves animals passionately, and I love the idea behind the “coexist” bumper sticker

Who feels love for my husband, dogs, family, friends and God, sadness when thinking of those I have lost, and anger when seeing others being close-minded and non-accepting

Who fears speaking in front of others, fears the death of those I love, and fears the type of world my children will grow up in

Who has been on the Dean’s List every semester since first attending Lincoln University

Who wants to experience being a parent, who wants to travel the world, who wants to get an amazing job after graduation

Living in Livermore, California


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