Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Chapter 24 - Writing About Literature and the Arts Summary

Summary of Chapter 24: Writing About Literature and the Arts

This chapter talks about how you can write or review poems, short stories, plays, films, concerts, music and many more forms of literature and the arts. The chapter also gives four different examples given on how to analyze and write about different forms of literature and art. There is one example on a literary analysis, one of writing about a poem, writing about a performance, and one on writing about a film. One great point made in this chapter is that it is wise to experience the work at least two or three times if possible. I think this is so important because when dealing with literature and the arts, there can be so many meanings and so many things you can miss. It is truly best to view or listen at least a few times to whatever you are trying to write about. I also really liked how this chapter advised you to form your own opinions and insights before reading what someone else has to say about it. If you read others’ opinions first, it very well might sway your opinion. It is best when dealing with the arts to start with a clean slate of your thoughts. Go into the experience of reading some literature and/ or experiencing some form of art with an open mind. The guidelines for writing an essay about literature and the arts have almost the same steps as does any other essay. I’d say one of the most important things when writing about literature and the arts is to understand the work. You need to examine the plot, setting, characters, diction, theme, lyrics, lighting, symbolism, irony, figures of speech and so on. You really need to dig deep into the work and really analyze every aspect of it. You need to gather all the information, organize it, and write a first draft with am opening, middle and conclusion. Then you need to review and revise your work making sure you understand the work you are analyzing. You should then always get feedback, edit and proofread your essay, making it clear and complete, and then your essay will be ready to publish.

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