Friday, September 3, 2010

Journal Entry

C - Cresecent Moon and Star, a common symbol for Islam
O - Peace Sign
E - Male and Female symbols (equal rights for both)
X - Star of David; Judism
I - Pagan/ Wiccan symbol; Air, Earth, Fire, Water and Human Spirit all connected by a circle
S - Chinese symbol "Yin and Yang"; Yin = darkness and womanhood, Yang = masculinity ~ Everyone has both good and darkness in them
T - Crucifixion of Jesus Christ

In writing the BioPoem about myself, it got me thinking about the "Coexist" bumper sticker that I like so much. I just love the meaning behind this sticker which is:

"People, no matter who they are, or where they are from, or what they believe, can find a way to live together in peace and harmony!"

I love that this sticker represents peace between all people no matter what they believe in, who they are, or where they are from, just as the statement above states. I think even if you do not believe in or agree with what one or some of these symbols stand for, all people should still be able to live in this world together peacefully.

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