Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Chapter 21 - Observation Report Summary

Chapter 21: Observation Report Summary

This chapter is all about observation – how to observe, where to observe, what to see how to see it, and how to portray it. I love how the first sentence in this chapter states that “observant people are insightful people.” I have never looked at it like that, but it is so true. When you are writing an observation report, you want to be sure to share your observations by appealing to all the senses. When choosing an observation site, you have many choices. You can choose a natural site, such as a state park or zoo. You can choose a site full of people such as a sports arena or market. You can choose an unfamiliar site like a different neighborhood or an ethnic spot. You can choose a serene spot like a quiet park or an empty building. You can choose a coursework-related site too. If you are taking a course in early childhood education, you can choose to visit a day care center. Or you can choose a border site, such as the lines between city and suburb or land and water.

After you select your site, you want to be sure you consider your purpose and think of your readers. You need to be sure you are prepared to observe by understanding your goal and what you have to look for, by doing background research, and by requesting permission is necessary to observe. You also need to make sure your timing is right, that you have enough time and that you make multiple visits if necessary. You need to have all equipment or supplies needed with you and have proper transportation and clothing. As you sit and observe you need to make sure you pay close attention to what you see, hear, smell, and what you feel and taste. You can also explore your sixth sense – thoughts, feelings and associations. If you need to, take photos, record sounds and collect samples. 

Next of course, you organize your thoughts, making sure to have enough details and you need to develop a theme. When writing your observation report, it should explode with vivid detail and your title should hint to your theme. And as always, with any report or essay, you need to get feedback, revise your draft, edit and proofread it, and then share your final essay.

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