Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chatper 25: Taking Essay Tests Summary

Chapter 25: Taking Essay Tests Summary

I actually really found this chapter quite helpful for myself. This chapter talks all about how to take tests. You should do daily reviews after or before every class and weekly study sessions as well. The most important part of studying is repetition! The more you repeat, the more you will remember. Daily reviews help you to move information from your short-term memory to long-term memory. Your weekly study sessions really help to get you to remember new information for the long term as well. Some study tools you can use are mind maps, flash cards, review questions, explain or teach the subject to someone, create mnemonics and/or organize a study group. If you plan to study with a group, start off by setting up one study session first. See how that goes, then you can set up a second sessions. You want to be sure you mesh well with who you are studying with. In your group, you want to discuss your goals and make sure to stay on tract. You want to make sure to discuss any issues that may arise in your study group and exchange you contact information.

When taking an essay test, you want to be sure to evaluate, synthesize, predict, analyze and write a worth-while answer. There are many different approaches that can be taken. For example, analyze, classify, compare and contrast, define, explain, justify, prove, review, state, and trace, to name a few. You want to be sure to reread the question several times, rephrase the question into a topic sentence or thesis statement for your answer, outline the main points you plan to cover in your answer and then you can write your essay. For taking true/ false, matching or multiple choice tests, you want to be sure to read all the questions and answers completely before answering. I’d say that is the most important thing to remember. You need to take you time and pay attention to all the words in the question that is being asking. If you have anxiety before tests, there are many tips that can help you. You can make sure to study smart, review with others, prepare mentally and physically, get some exercise, take a shower, get to class early, relax, glance through the entire test, begin with questions you know the answer to and most importantly – don’t panic!!!! I think this chapter is extremely helpful because who doesn’t have a hard time at some point with test taking?! I think everyone has their moments when tests are extremely hard, overwhelming and when you have moments of anxiety. Everyone can get something out of reading this chapter.

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